Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Ceremony for presenting the Order of St Andrew the Apostle the First-Called to President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

Alexander Lukashenko Lukashenko AlexanderPresident of Belarus was decorated for his
outstanding achievements in developing allied relations and strategic
partnership between Russia and Belarus, strengthening friendly ties between the peoples of Russia and Belarus, as well as for making a significant personal
contribution to the creation of the Union State and ensuring its effective
* * *
President of Russia
Vladimir Putin: Mr
Lukashenko, friends,
We have gathered in St Andrew’s Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace to take part in a ceremony for presenting the highest
state decoration of the Russian Federation, the Order of St Andrew the Apostle
the First-Called, to President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.
This is Russia’s oldest order, instituted more
than three centuries ago by Peter the Great in honour of St Andrew the Apostle
the First-Called, who was a Christian saint, religious leader, apostle and martyr. He is also the patron of the Russian land and the Orthodox Church and has enjoyed special respect in both Russia and Belarus.
According to the statute for this order, it can
be awarded to prominent Russian government officials, as well as foreign
leaders for their outstanding service in strengthening ties with our country.
Mr Lukashenko, you certainly are worthy of this
high decoration. By bestowing the Order of St Andrew the Apostle the First-Called upon you, Russia expresses its gratitude for your outstanding
contribution to developing Russia-Belarus relations, alliance and strategic
These relations rest on a solid foundation
formed by the perennial principles of friendship and cooperation, mutual
respect and due regard for each other’s interests, as well as shared spiritual
values, and the fact that many people in Russia and Belarus have close family
This solid foundation has served as a bedrock
for Russia and Belarus in their efforts to build the Union State, which has
effectively guaranteed our common defence and security, and created a common
economic, legal and humanitarian space.
Mr Lukashenko, you stood at the roots of the Union State and made a meaningful contribution to strengthening and developing
it. We know you as a persistent and unwavering advocate of preserving and expanding close ties across the space formed by the Commonwealth of Independent
You have been proactive in your efforts to promote mutually beneficial cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union and the Collective Security Treaty Organisation. These efforts now include the Shanghai
Cooperation Organisation after Belarus joined it.
You and I have maintained an ongoing dialogue
and held regular meetings, talking to each other on the telephone and discussing pressing bilateral matters as well as major regional and international issues. I sincerely value the positive personal relationship we
have developed over these years of working together.
I am certain that our combined efforts will
enable us to make further strides in promoting Russia-Belarus cooperation. We
will seek to further reinforce our mutually beneficial economic ties and close
contacts, while effectively ensuring security for our countries and the Union
Mr Lukashenko, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on receiving Russia’s highest state decoration
and wish you good health and success in your public duties. I wish the people
of Belarus, our brotherly nation, peace, stability and prosperity.
Thank you.
